Energy cleansing is an important part of spiritual hygiene and recommended daily to avoid become energetically depleted. Grounding techniques go hand in hand with these protective practices, read on for 14 tips:
Read MoreThe Five of Wands is a card of ego conflicts, petty battles, and grievances. It can represent disruption, upsets, and debate, internally or externally. Read on for more meanings as well as its Astrological and Numerological correspondences, what it can signify as a reversal and in a career, love, or general reading:
Read MoreTriplicity rulership is a way of ascribing to each of the elemental Zodiac Signs (the triplicities) three rulers, or lords. It is part of the schema of essential dignity in Traditional Astrology, coming just below domicile and exaltation. Read on for which Planet has triplicity rulership in which Sign:
Read MoreThe Four of Wands is a card of joy, celebration, and belonging. It is an invitation to appreciate how far we've come, what we've achieved, and share in that happiness with our loved ones. Read on for more meanings and what it can signify as a reversal and in a career, love, or general reading:
Read MoreVenus retrograde in Leo is one of the defining Astrological features of 2023! As with all retrogrades, it is a time for review; with Venus this is a revisitation of our values, aesthetic, relationships, and finances. In Leo, it can bring creative flair. Here's what it means for you based on your Rising Sign:
Read MoreThe Three of Wands is about moving forward using our lived experience and gained wisdom. It is about progressing on our journeys using perspective and hindsight to carve our new path ahead. Read on for what it means as a reversal and in a love, career, or general reading:
Read MoreThe Nodes moving into the Aries-Libra axis is one of the pivotal Astrological shifts of 2023, redefining the collective story until 2025 with themes of self vs others, independence vs relationality, forthrightness vs collaboration. Read on for what this means for you personally!
Read MoreThe Two of Wands is about bold, decisive action and embarking on a new journey. It is an invitation to look over our horizons and see where to next. Read on for what it means as a reversal and in a love, career, or general reading:
Read MoreFirdaria are an ancient Islamicate Astrological concept that break down our lives into chapters ruled by the 7 classical Planets. Dependant on whether we were born during the day or night, we cycle through each Planetary period and sub-period every few months and years. Learn how to use Firdaria as a timing technique with your own Natal Chart:
Read MoreThe meanings of the Ace of Wands include new potentials and fresh opportunities presenting themselves- say yes! It is an invitation to harness our lifeforce energy and creative spark, to remain open to proposals and insights. Read on for more:
Read MoreWhat are the Hermetic Lots (Arabic Parts)? These are ancient Hellenistic mathematical equations using sensitive points in the Natal Chart to calculate key areas for added Astrological interpretation and guidance. Read on to learn about the 7 Classical Lots:
Read MoreLearn the Tarot Numerology reductions, such as how The Magician (number 1), connects to the Wheel of Fortune (number 10), and the Sun (number 19); and how these can be interpreted for greater nuance! Read on for more:
Read MoreThe horizontal and vertical lines of the Tarot Major Arcana are wonderful ways of breaking down the cards for further interpretation and musing points. Read on for what each line means:
Read MoreIt can be useful to temper what to expect out of an Astrological consultation after you have booked one by being aware of the scope of the session and parameters of Astrology itself. Read on for tips how to prepare for an Astrology session:
Read MoreThe World Tarot meaning is generally one of culminations, completions, and endings. It can represent major life chapters closing and life lessons being learnt. Read on for its Astrological and Numerological correspondences as well as what it can mean if it shows up for you reversed or in a love or career reading:
Read MoreHow to use color magic: employed across cultures in a variety of ritual, ceremonial, official, artistic, and magick practice, color is an essential component in our mundane and spiritual life. Read on to find out what are the different colour associations and how to use color magickally...
Read MoreThe Judgement Tarot card meaning is a call for impartial discernment and open judgement of past actions, behaviours, and cycles. In this, there is information to be gleaned that can contribute to our growth, self-awareness, and conscious awakening on our current path. Read on for what it means as a reversal and in a love or career reading:
Read MoreLearn how to set up an altar with suggested objects and rituals! Building an altar is a wonderful practice to connect to yourself, Spirit, and your chosen intention, as well as the deities, Planets, ancestors, seasons, and more. Read on for how:
Read MoreThe meaning of The Sun Tarot is generally as warm and sunny as you would imagine. It is an invitation to lean into our joy and allow ourselves to shine unapologetically bright, to celebrate our wins, and access our vitality. Learn more of its meanings including as a reversal and in a love, career, and general reading:
Read MoreLearn about some of the key tenets of Traditional Astrology and why it is so popular today, and how it differs from modern astrology...
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