What To Know About Venus Retrograde In Leo


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What To Know About Venus Retrograde In Leo

Like all retrogrades, Venus retrograde is a time to review, reassess, and revisit the Planetary themes, rather than start anything new or permanent if possible. With Venus, this includes our values, money, style, and partnerships. In Leo, this can include creativity, performance, and our inner child. It can also make for quite some celebrity drama!

Read on for more about what this means collectively and for you personally:


Venus Retrograde

Venus is retrograde the least often of the Planets, thus it is notable when it does so! Because the social-outer Planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) are retrograde almost half the year, we don’t typically pay much attention to them.

When the personal Planets- Mercury, Venus, and Mars- retrograde, however, we can feel this shift in energy more strongly.

In our Natal Charts, Venus can represent how we give and receive love, what we desire, what we are attracted to and attract to us, what we value, our attitude towards money, taste, aesthetic, style, and social niceties.

Venus retrogrades roughly every 18 months or so for 40 days and 40 days, reflecting the descent of Inanna into the Underworld, changing from evening star to morning star.

Venus currently retrogrades in only 5 Zodiac Signs- Aries, Gemini, Leo (or early Virgo), Scorpio (or late Libra), and Capricorn (or early Aquarius). Every 8 years, it returns to almost the exact retrograde point (2º earlier), quite consistently marking repeating patterns and themes in our lives!

Thus, when looking at a Venus retrograde, it can be useful to look back 8 years ago to see what was going on in our lives then. In this case, it would be summer of 2015.

Because it only retrogrades in 5 Signs, its pattern in the sky forms the so-called five-pointed star of Venus, forming a pentagram or pentacle in a circle.

Arielle Guttman wrote a groundbreaking book on the Venus Star point if you would like to learn more here.

As with any Astrological transit, it will be felt more strongly for people with it as their Chart ruler (Taurus + Libra Risings in this case); if it is our Annual Profection timelord; or if it will be aspecting any sensitive placements during its retrograde (between 28º-12º in Fixed Signs in this case).

Like with any retrograde, when it appears to be optically moving backwards throughout the sky, so too is it a time for us to turn inwards and review. Look to the House it will be transiting for you for themes and where you may personally find second chances, delays, or revisitations in:

Venus Retrograde in Leo

During Venus retrograde is typically when our exes can return and we are advised not to cut our hair (not during Mercury retrograde as some may think).

Venus is the ruler of style, beauty, aesthetics, love, connection, and relationships, thus these themes will be highlighted and reviewed.

Venus also governs money and our values, it can be wise to reassess our money mindset rather than make big, un-refundable investments if possible during this time.

Archetypal Leo signifies royals and celebrities, drama, flair, creativity, generosity, youthfulness, and play. Venus retrograding in Leo may put on quite the show on the world stage! Historically, Venus retrogrades can be a time of changing social styles and taste, what’s considered fashionable, or not.

It will station retrograde at 28º Leo on Saturday 22nd July 2023 and station direct on September 3rd at 12º Leo.

On August 13th it will cazimi (conjunct the Sun) which is like a renewal and start of a new cycle, almost like a New Moon- a New Venus. If you must launch a new artistic project, go on a first date, or book in a dramatic haircut- this can be a good day within the retrograde to do it!

The shadow period began on June 20th, it can be useful to look back to then to see what may be relevant for you, and will last until October 7th- the story may not be entirely wrapped up for you until then.

Here’s what each Sign can expect personally:

Aries Rising

Venus will be retrograding in your fifth House of Children, thus themes of creativity and creative output, joy, pleasure, hobbies, pastimes, sex and sexuality, as well as children and related topics such as the inner child may be relevant.

Taurus Rising

Venus will be retrograding in your 4th House of Home, thus themes of home, family, your house, property, ancestry, upbringing, origin story, private life, inner world, and lineage may be relevant for you. As your Chart ruler, Venus retrogrades are particularly potent for you!

Gemini Rising

Venus will be retrograding in your third House of Communication, thus themes of self-expression, learning, speaking, reading, writing, mindset, education (particularly early childhood), crafts, divination, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, local neighbourhood and short-distance travel may be relevant for you.

Cancer Rising

Venus will be retrograding in your second House of Values, thus themes of income, finances, personal resources, skills, talents, self-worth, money, and personal values-system may be relevant for you.

Leo Rising

Venus will be retrograding in your 1st House of Self, thus themes of identity, vitality, personality, body, aesthetics, sense of self, how you show up in the world (and potentially your relationships if contacting your Ascendant/Descendant) may be relevant for you. Traversing your Rising Sign, this retrograde may be particularly influential for you!

Virgo Rising

Venus will be retrograding in your 12th House of Shadow, thus themes of isolation, solitude, mental health, retreat, inner psychology, spirituality, subconscious, psyche and psychology, patterns of self-undoing, shadow self, travel abroad, and places such as hospitals, prisons, and monasteries or retreats may be relevant for you. Give yourself plenty of time to turn within.


Libra Rising

Venus will be retrograding in your 11th House of Friendship, thus themes of friendship, groups, community, place in the collective, networking, memberships, alliances, collaborations, friends, and your personal hopes and wishes may be relevant for you. As a Venusian (your Chart being ruled by Venus), Venus retrogrades can be particularly influential for you!

Scorpio Rising

Venus will be retrograding in your 10th House of Career, thus themes of career, purpose, vocation, profession, public image, recognition, legacy, and visibility may be relevant for you (depending also where your Midheaven is using Whole Sign Houses)! Either way, as a Fixed person, Venus retrograde in Leo can be highly influential for you, the 10th House is an important, prominent angular House!

Sagittarius Rising

Venus will be retrograding in your ninth House of Beliefs, thus themes of spirituality, personal philosophy, beliefs, wisdom, education (particularly higher), publishing, institutions, Astrology, foreigners and foreign cultures, and long-distance travel may be relevant for you.

Capricorn Rising

Venus will be retrograding in your eighth House of Shared Resources, thus themes of inheritance, your partner’s money, joint ventures, shared spaces, grants, debt, taxes, investments, emotional baggage, fears, inherited stories, and cycles of life and death may be relevant for you.

Aquarius Rising

Venus will be retrograding in your 7th House of Relationships, thus themes of partnership and intimate one-on-one relationships may be relevant for you, including your spouse, best friend, business partner, therapist etc. As a Fixed person, Venus retrograde in Leo can be highly influential for you, the seventh House is a prominent angular House and may make contact with your Descendant/Ascendant throughout its transit.

Pisces Rising

Venus will be retrograding in your sixth House of Work + Health, thus themes of accidents and injury, wellness, health routines, habits, rituals, patterns, the daily structure of your life, systems, organisation, your colleagues, work, day-to-day job, pets, and acts of service may be relevant for you.

If you would like me to interpret what this Astrological transit may represent for you and the nuance of your Natal Chart personally, book in a private 1:1 session with me here!


So that’s an overview of what we can expect during Venus retrograde in Leo, I hope it’s insightful for you! Let me know in the comments section below if you have anything else to add or any questions.

For a personalised Astrology reading, book in a 1:1 Year Ahead session with me. To uncover the secrets of the cosmos yourself, enrol in my Traditional Astrology 101 course! Or for a small taster, get my Beginner’s Astrology Guidebook.

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