Meanings of the Two of Wands


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Two of Wands Tarot Card Meanings

The Two of Wands Tarot card is generally considered to represent the start of a whole new journey and undertaking, the first step in a major new cycle and adventure. It is about action, decisiveness, and boldness. Read on for a full Tarot card description including its Astrological and Numerological correspondences as well as what it can mean if it shows up for you as a reversal and in a general, career, or love reading:


Two of Wands Meaning

The Two of Wands card is an important seed because it is the first actionable card that kicks of the whole Minor Arcana (after the Ace of Wands)! This is a card all about planning brave moves and making decisions in the start of a fresh phase of life, of moving towards long term goals.

The figure in the Smith Rider Waite deck is standing globe in hand looking out over the horizon, deciding where to next. I’m not gonna lie, there’s a definite air of colonialism here with this dude in their tower (it is called “Dominion” in the Thoth Tarot deck after all), however, we can update this to a more modern, equitable context with the notion of looking out over the possibilities available to us and seeing where the wind blows us!

As the very start of the Wands pip cards, and entire Minor Arcana, we are just at the beginning here; but, as popular lore tells us, that first step is often the most important. Sometimes when this card shows up for us it’s not specifically about which direction we decide to head in or the action we choose to take, simply the act of choosing is important. The choice in itself is less weighty in the perspective of the whole cycle we are about to embark upon! This is reflected in the colour of the sky, a neutral grey. The point is to begin.

The overarching colour on this card is red, colour of power. I find it interesting that one wand is bolted into the fortress whilst the figure is holding the other- we have started to take matters into our own hands. This is reminiscent of the fact that we have jut entered the world of the Minor Arcana, a place where we have more agency, as opposed to the Major Arcana where we are dealing more with overarching archetypal themes present around us.

Some say that indirectly the Two of Wands represents financial stability because it can be risky to embark on something new, we need a safety net. However I don’t personally see this card that way when it shows up for me (we can make important decisions that are not bound to money)!

In general, the Two of Wands upright indicates a need to be bold, brave, ambitious, determined, forthright, and pioneering. All keywords associated with Aries, fitting as its Astrological correspondence is Mars in Aries, where it is domiciled. Mars in Aries is initiative, instinct, and impulse, it’s very much an act first think later kind of energy. As the wands represent the Fire Signs, and Aries is a Cardinal Fire Sign, this is the most spearheading Minor Arcana card.

Numerologically, the twos represent duality, a recognition of the other. We are reminded that everything is a choice, even not choosing. While there are things beyond our control, societal, economic, or physical limitations- we still always have an element of agency within. The balance between fate and free will.

This also connects it to the High Priestess, seat of our intuition. So early in the game here, we are invited to rely on an inner knowing, to follow a whisper and see where it leads us. We may not know what the whole future staircase holds, but for now we are here taking a decisive step.

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The Two of Wands Reversed

A reversed Two of Wands indicates a potential hesitation in taking action. Perhaps we have been burying our head in the sand hoping we wouldn’t have to, or have a sense of inertia or even resistance. In this case, it can be an even stronger invitation to make a decision and bold move, to be brave and take that first important step. This doesn’t have to be a big thing mind you! Sometimes even a firm promise or a symbolic act is the start of a whole new cycle.

Two of Wands in a Love Reading

Showing up in a love Tarot reading, the Two of Wands can be an invitation to be more confident and to take initiative. It can be a symbol that we need to be bolder and more forthright in what we want and need out of the relationship, depending of course on where in the spread it has fallen etc will dictate what it actually means (if it comes up in a “what to let go of” position for example, it can instead be a suggestion to see something through to the end rather than starting new things all the time, or to be less domineering).

Two of Wands in a Career Reading

In a career reading, the Two of Wands can be a call to step up! Ask for a raise or promotion, embark on a new project, take more initiative and harness your leadership qualities. Depending on the context, it can represent starting a new job altogether or hiring someone new. Either way, it is an invitation to be bold here.


So those are some Two of Wands Tarot meanings, I hope they’re insightful for you! Let me know in the comments section below if you have anything else to add or any questions.

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