How To Use The Two of Swords To Transform Your Decision-Making


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The Two of Swords Tarot Card

The Two of Swords is a soft entry into the Tarot suit of the mind. It is a marriage between logic and intuition, an invitation to turn within for the answers. Sometimes with this card the decision itself is not so important— the road is still long yet, there are many variables to overcome!— but it is simply about the act of being decisive. Making a choice and sticking with it.

Read on for a detailed analysis of the Two of Swords, including its full Tarot card description, and Astrological and Numerological correspondences:


Two of Swords Meanings

The Two of Swords Minor Arcana represents a decision to be made, perhaps between two similarly equal options. After we have embarked upon this suit in the Ace of Swords, and sharpened our mental faculties, we are now asked to put it into practice.

We can see the figure on the Pamela Colman Smith rendition (and most Tarot decks derived from it) is holding two equal swords, they appear weighty and come off the edge of the card— it is a decision which is not to be taken lightly!

Sometimes likened to a mini Justice card because they are blindfolded (which the Justice card in the Smith Rider Waite Tarot deck ironically is not). The invitation then is to make an impartial, unbiased decision. One that marries heart and mind, that is both rational but also makes space for the nuances of life— the grey spaces in between as the sombre overarching hue of the card suggests.

What I like about this card is that it is also what’s called a “stage card” because they appear to be on a stage. This implies the illusion of choice. Not to get too Matrix Oracle, but how far does our capacity to choose go? We are so limited by our surroundings and influenced by our culture and upbringing…

And yet, we would look at it the other way— the illusion of the importance we give to choice. Sometimes we make the decisions in our life seem like A Really Big Thing™. As if the rest of our life is somehow destined or fated by this one choice we make.

Really we are presented with a series of choices fairly regularly and we can choose what we make of them in any given moment. Then once we have chosen one fork in the road another appears, but it wasn’t there before we chose to walk it. It appears as we walk. It’s not like we can ever go down a wrong path. We simply make a choice and enter reality through that door, new windows then open.

The overall energy of this card is one of stillness and equanimity, it is under quiet of night, and the sea of subconscious behind them is calm. Not that there aren’t rocks to overcome! Or that sitting like that on a stone bench must be comfortable. But if we approach this moment with pause and introspection, it can help us in moving forward with ease.

This card also reflects The High Priestess, the seat of our intuition and innate knowledge. Another reflection of the need to balance our inner and outer world when we are presented with this card. There is also a prominent crescent Moon as a feature on this card, associated with The High Priestess and symbol of instinct and the wisdom of the body. If you’re feeling stuck, take the time to think with your gut.

Numerologically as a 2, it represents duality and balance. After the singular figure of the 1, we now encounter the other, a reflection of ourself. How can we reconcile polarity? How do we decide between two seemingly equal offers?

This also connects it to the Major Arcana High Priestess card again, doubling down on the need to not forget an intelligence that is beyond the mind.

Astrologically, it is a Moon is Libra card. The Moon represents our body, instinct, and needs. It is mutable, changeable, and nurturing. Libra is the Sign of balance, harmony, and mediation. Ironically it is known to deliberate and agonise over choices in search of the “right” one. Libra often wants to seek external input and all the opinions before making a decision. While the Moon in Libra is peace-seeking and desires for things to be beautiful and liked, it can be useful to remember to come back to the Self when choosing.

Interestingly, in the Thoth deck this card is called Peace! If we make choices based on our values and true self, we can never be wrong.

Upright Two of Swords Tarot Card Meanings

Generally, the Two of Swords is an invitation to make a choice, any choice. Don’t dwell. Sometimes the most important thing is to simply make up our mind. Find balance between your heart and mind, close your eyes and go within for the answers. We still have the whole suit of Swords to get through, but for now go with what your instincts tell you.


Reversed Two of Swords Tarot Card

If you choose to read reversals, a Two of Swords reversed could be a message that you may not be seeing things quite clearly or that either heart or mind has taken precedence over the other. Try to come back to balance. It may also be an invitation to hold off on making any drastic decisions.

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Two of Swords in a Relationship Reading

As with all Tarot meanings, the actual significations of the Two of Swords in a love Tarot reading will depend entirely on the situation at hand, the question asked, the position in the spread it has fallen, the cards surrounding it, and your own intuition.

Overall, however, it can represent a need for looking at a situation in your relationship logically and impartially, to lead with your mind and your heart. It suggests you have a choice to make either in regard to your partner or the partnership itself. Listen to your inner voice and decide.

Two of Swords in a Career Reading

Again, the true nature of its meaning will depend on the context, but in general the Two of Swords in career Tarot readings can be a message to make decisions that bring you a sense of peace, to follow the wisdom of the body while also looking at things rationally and with perspective. You may need to be more professionally decisive in general, or marry your decision making skills with both your rational and emotional intelligence.


So that’s an overview of the Two of Swords Tarot card, I hope it’s insightful for you! Let me know in the comments section below if you have anything else to add or any questions.

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