Meaning Of The 9 Of Cups Tarot Card


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Meaning Of The 9 Of Cups Tarot Card

The 9 of Cups Minor Arcana Tarot card is a lovely one of joy, abundance, and sense of accomplishment, it’s sometimes called the wish card because of its all-round gratification and fulfilment.

When it comes to us it can be an invitation to allow ourselves to feel a sense of satisfaction, indulgence, and to celebrate in our wins.

Read on for more meanings of the Nine of Cups, including its Astrological and Numerological correspondences, what it means in a reversed position and in a career, love, or general reading:


The Nine of Cups

After the challenge and solitude of moving on in the Eight of Cups in our quest for meaning, we have been rewarded for our bravery here in the Nine.

The Nine of Cups represents a sense of fulfilment, happiness, and achievement, as well as the satisfaction that comes in having achieved our goals and richly filled up our cups with things that nourish us.

Nine of Cups Tarot Card Description

In the Pamela Colman Smith rendition, and most other Tarot decks which are usually based off of it, we can see an almost smug looking figure contentedly sitting in front of their nine golden cups, neatly lined up.

What’s interesting to me is that the nine cups are on a table that is higher than them, clothed as if it were a trophy display.

The overarching colour of the card is spiritual, enlightened, creative yellow; the cloth is a true and honest blue; and they are wearing a red hat and socks of power.

To me this is an indication of the benefit in feeling pride and satisfaction in the (nonmaterial) things we have accomplished. It is not easy to go after your dreams, wishes, and desires, and to build meaningful relationships, community, and hone in on your passion and creativity!

In the Thoth Tarot deck, the cups are all abundantly flowing into one another and overflowing out beneath them, a symbol of when we allow our cups to fill we can pour into others. Let yourself open. It is called simply Happiness, an indicator in the true joys stacking our cups with meaningful accomplishments can bring (namely the ones money can’t buy— we’re not in the suit of Pentacles here)!


Numerology of the Nine of Cups

Numerologically the number 9 is one of culminations and cycles beginning to come to a close. It is also 3 x 3 thus considered a powerfully spiritual and magical number, connected to creativity and manifestation. I believe it was T. Susan Chang (?) who said that the solution to the 9s can be found in the 3s.

This also connects it to the Major Arcana card The Hermit, which I find interesting— sometimes it takes some real soul-searching, like that done in the Eight of Cups, to uncover what is truly of value to us! This can also act as a reminder to share in our joy.

Astrology of the Nine of Cups

Astrologically, the Nine of Cups is a Jupiter in Pisces card, where it is domiciled and strong. Jupiter is the Planet of faith, belief, wisdom, expansion, and abundance; it is at home in the Sign of trust, interconnectedness, and intuitive knowing.

As a Jupiter in Pisces card it speaks to the lasting fulfilment and satisfaction that can come from nonmaterial gain.

Nine of Cups Upright Meanings

Generally, the Nine of Cups upright meaning can include: success, satisfaction, accomplishment, joy, abundance, pleasure, gain, contentment, and fulfilment.

Of course, as with all Tarot cards, does it magically mean all of our wishes are coming true as soon as this card appears for us? No. It is an invitation to allow ourselves to feel these things where we can and to actively seek out these glimmers and pockets of hope and happiness in a what that is relevant to us (but hey, maybe it does mean your wishes coming true for you— in that case, enjoy)!

Reversed Nine of Cups Meaning

The Nine of Cups reversed can be an invitation to be mindful of pessimism and allow yourself to feel a sense of pride and accomplishment, to not let worry take away from the joys of today, and to not poke holes where none need be. Take time to reconnect to the things in your life that bring you pleasure. It can also be a message to make sure you are not overindulging!

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Nine of Cups in a Relationship Reading

As with all Tarot card meanings, the actual significations of the Nine of Cups in love Tarot readings will depend on the situation at hand, the question asked, the position in the spread it has fallen in, the cards surrounding it, and your own intuition.

However, overall, the Nine of Cups here can be a message to seek out lightness, joy, fun, and happiness with your partner— to allow yourself to see and believe in the goodness. It can also be a message to allow for joy, revelry, pleasure, and indulgence. Let your cup fill up and watch it overflow!

Nine of Cups in a Career Reading

Again, the nature of the Nine of Cups in a career Tarot card reading will depend on the context, but in general it can represent letting yourself feel proud and successful! Don’t let imposter syndrome get you down— you earned your right to be where you are! Revel in your accomplishments and connect to the joy and pleasure of why you once started what you are doing.


So those are some meanings of the 9 of Cups Tarot card, I hope they’re insightful for you! Let me know in the comments section below if you have anything else to add or any questions.

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