How To Read Secondary Progressions


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How To Read Secondary Progressions

Secondary progressions, sometimes called secondary directions or a-day-for-a-year progressions, is a predictive Astrology method of “progressing” or, in a sense, maturing your Natal Chart to see how it has evolved from when you were born. It is done by moving your chart forward by one day for every one year of life, so the 30 days after you were born would reflect your first 30 years of life. Hence why it’s called “a day per year method”.

It can be an effective method to be used against other timing techniques such as Zodiacal Releasing, Annual Profection, Solar Arc (which moves a chart forward by one degree for every year), and transits.

Read on for how to understand secondary progressed charts:


How To Read Your Secondary Progressed Chart

As with all things, a significant placement is usually noted when it is seen in other charts or areas as well the Progressed chart. For example, if you have a Sun-Saturn square in your Secondary Progressed chart, but these two are not aspecting each other in the Natal Chart, then this likely won’t be felt. If this occurs in a transit chart, of course, this will generally be felt. Transits are always used first and foremost as predictive techniques, Secondary Progressions come, well, second. They can be seen more as a supportive tool to your analysis and understanding.

Secondary progressions are mainly used for the faster moving personal Planets and points- the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, the Ascendant, and Midheaven, as the outer Planets move so slowly, they won’t have moved much either in a progressed chart and so will have no new information to bring. If they are Natally at an anaretic degree, then they will move in the Progressed chart eventually too (bringing a significant shift).

Just like when reading a Birth Chart, the Sun, Moon, and Rising Sign will be the first things we look to as the most important. Which Sign and House they are in, for the Sun and Moon, and which major aspects, if any, they are making (especially if they are placed close to the other angles), will add another layer of nuance. Like a fine wine ageing, we too can take on different notes as time goes by (but our underlying “taste” is the same).

The orbs used are always much tighter, less than 1º, as they can be active for over a year, and a progressed chart is always read in relation to the Natal Chart, usually as a bi-wheel, like transits. As Progressed aspects last a very long time, new major aspects are generally quite rare, and so more focus is placed on the Sign and House the Progressed Planet is in and the themes these represent.

When we see a Planet that is about to move into a new Sign, or cross an angle, this is a significant event as it generally takes so long to happen- the Moon has a 27.5 day cycle, so it will take 27.5 years to move through the whole Zodiac in a Secondary Progressed chart. The Sun changes Signs roughly every 30 years and so will also only move through 3-4 Houses and Signs in our lifetime. Whereas our Secondary Progressions chart can usually be seen as a more subtle, internal picture of our landscape (as opposed to more obvious or external events with the transits), when a Planet change Signs, we can often feel it more strongly and tangibly.

The same can be true of retrogrades. Progressed Planets can turn both retrograde and direct, depending on their state when we were born and in the weeks after. When this occurs, a greater shift can be felt.

More so than with other techniques, an accurate birth time to the minute is absolutely essential, as it can throw the Progressions off by at least a year otherwise! You can get a free Secondary Progressions chart here.

Progressed Sun

The Sign the Sun has moved into can tell us how you may have aged, matured, and developed over time. For example, if you were born with a Scorpio Sun, you may have been a bit more introspective as a child, but now that it has progressed into Sagittarius, you are a little more adventurous and outgoing. If it was once in the 10th House of Careers and now moved into the 11th House of Friendship, this is where your attention and core identity may have shifted to as well.

We can look at our Natal Sun as our core foundation, and our Progressed Sun has adding a layer of evolution. If you were born with a Cancer Sun, those main characteristics are still there for you, but when your Progressed Sun moves into Leo, you may also become more emboldened. It can point to a time of significant change in your life that causes you to become more creative and performative, or one where you go through a development of self-expression.

Progressed Moon

The Moon shows us our emotional world and needs, as such it is a strong indicator of how we grow and mature throughout the years. The Progressed Moon moves through the Signs roughly every 2.5 years, and when the Progressed Moon passes the Natal or Progressed Sun, we can experience our own personal progressed New Moon phase! This is the start of a fresh emotional cycle. The Moon is an important Secondary Planet because it moves so quickly, each degree of orb will be active for approximately two months with transits to and from it felt.

You can also Progress the Lunar Phases, which is an extremely fascinating technique for assessing major beginnings and endings, as well as the energy of a time period. For example, you may be in a Progressed Full Moon Phase in which you are reaping the rewards of what was sown whenever the cycle began with the New Moon.

This is the technique I personally use, access my Workshop on it here.

Progressed Rising Sign

The Rising Sign is how we show up in the world and are perceived by others, it is our default temperament and how we wish to be known. The Progressed Ascendant can show us how we have evolved in this respect, the year it changes can bring a significant change in our attitude and appearance. Any Natal Planets in the 1st House are also particularly important to the way you present yourself, as well as any in the 10th House and where the Midheaven has progressed to for your life direction and vocation.

If your Rising Sign moves from Sagittarius to Capricorn, you may appear more tempered and reserved; if Venus moves into the 1st House, you may enjoy focussing more on style and your appearance. If Mars crosses the Midheaven, you may experience more determination and drive in your career.

Again, this can only move at most 3-4 Signs and Houses in a lifetime, potentially reaching to the 4th House at most (for this reason, it is more useful to solely consider the Sign placement of the Progressed Ascendant and Midheaven). By default, this will also show you where your Descendant line is, and the types of partners and people you may attract into your life as you get older.

You may also be interested in Annual Profections.

Progressed Mercury

Mercury is the Planet representing our intellect, how we take in and process information, and express ourselves in return. Its point in the chart can show us how we digest knowledge, our communication style, and whether we may be interested in learning or self-expression, and how. If it is in a difficult aspect, for example, we may experience brain fog, restlessness, or become more reserved in the way we speak. The orb of activity for Progressed Mercury, Venus, and Mars will last about 2 years, depending on their retrogrades, if any.

Progressed Venus

Venus shows us where our heart lies, what we need to feel loved and how we like to be loved in return, it shows us the nature of our relationships and our finances. Transits to and from Progressed Venus can affect the flavour of all these things, as well as the House and Sign. Read more about the Planetary characteristics here and what they govern.

Progressed Mars

Finally, Mars shows us our passions, drive, determination, and ambitions, as well as anger and sex drive. It points to where we direct our energy and focus, as well as our energy levels in general. Important aspects can point to taking on new challenges, times of increased activity, or frustrations and fatigue.

Secondary Progressions can add a fascinating layer of nuance and meaning to your Natal Chart interpretations, an evolved view on how you have been growing and maturing. If you would like me to personally look at your Progressed Chart, you can book in a Year Ahead Reading with me!

For a video lesson with me teaching you this technique and others, get my Astro Timings Workshop.


So that’s an overview on how to read Secondary Progressions, I hope it was insightful for you! Let me know in the comments section below if you have anything to add or any questions :)

If you would like to self-study the cosmos, don’t forget to get our Cosmic Guidance: Traditional Astrology 101 Course or our Beginner’s Guide to Astrology, or for a personalised session- book in a Natal Chart reading!

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