How To Cleanse Crystals


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How To Cleanse Crystals

When working with crystals, it’s important to regularly cleanse and clear them so that their energy stays high. As they can be big amplifiers and transmuters of energy, they can store vast amounts of energetic data, so it’s necessary to clean the slate from time to time!

How often to clear them depends on how often you use them. If they are in regular use, i.e. with daily mediation, then you might like to clear them more regularly. Others like to cleanse their crystals if somebody else touches them so that they stay attuned to their own energy. I personally like to cleanse my crystals on every New Moon and Full Moon to align them with lunar magic.

It’s of course especially important to cleanse crystals as soon as you buy them first before using! You can also clear them out if you just feel like their energy is a little off, they need a reboot, or you would like to program them with a new intention. If they are placed in a high traffic area (such as the entryway or by your bedside), then it is also important to regularly clear their energy. But ultimately, how often exactly is up to you.

Read on for my favourite 7 ways to cleanse crystals:

7 Ways To Clean Crystals

As mentioned, cleansing crystals regularly is super important to make sure their energy is clear and aligned with your intentions. Make sure when you’re buying crystals to buy from a reputable source so that you know they are coming with good vibes in the first place! If you’d like to know where to start with your collection, check our post on The Best Crystals For Beginners.

1. Sun or Moonlight

This is my personal favourite way, it’s a super simple yet effective way. Simple place your crystals outside in a safe place under the sun or moonlight for 24 hours to allow them to absorb the potent energy of these luminaries. Be careful with some crystal as the sun can discolour them. You can align your intention with the phase of the Moon or Zodiac Sign if you like too!

2. Moon or Saltwater

If you are cleansing your crystals under the moonlight, you can also easily make Moon water! Simple leave a jar or bottle of water in direct light overnight and remove in the morning. If your crystals are water safe, you can place them in the jar of water, or if not using the indirect method in a small bowl in a larger bowl of water, or simply around it. For extra cleansing properties, you can make it salt water (again, check that this is safe for your crystals). You can then use this crystal-infused moon water to cleanse other crystals in the future by placing them in it or transferring it to a spray bottle. This also a lovely way because you can then use the gem elixir to drink, in aura mists by adding essential oils, or to make flower essences! You can also rinse them under the tap or in a natural body of water.

3. Smoke Cleansing

Make sure to use culturally appropriate smoke wands (i.e. Palo Santo) that have been ethically and sustainably sourced! Incense works well too. I love using this method because you are also cleansing the energy of the space or room you are in (and yourself) in the process! Simply light your cleansing tool and waft your crystals through the smoke with intention.

4. Healing Sounds

Sound can be a really quick, direct way to reset energy frequencies. This can be done with bells or chimes, Chakra healing music, chanting etc. Again, this is a lovely way because you will also clear and reset the energy of the room!

5. White Light Visualisation

This is using the power of your own energy. Sit in a comfortable position with the crystal you would like to cleanse in your hands. Take a few deep breaths and close your eyes. Visualise a bright, white light emanating from your hands and expanding to fill your whole body. imagine it cleansing and resetting the crystal. This is also a lovely time to program your intention for the crystal and something that is nice to do on a regular basis as a form of meditation for yourself and attune the crystals to your own energy. You can also practice energy healing modalities such as Reiki.

6. Bury them in the Earth

I love this option because it’s returning the crystals from whence they came, their natural home. Wrap them up in cloth and clearly demarcate where you buried them! Leave them in the earth for 24 hours or more. When you feel they are ready, you can combine this with another method such as Moon water to clean them if they are dirty.

7. With other crystals

You can place crystals inside or near Clear Quartz, Citrine, or Amethyst geodes, or on Selenite plates to clear their energy. Some say that these stones are self-cleansing, however I always like to clear my crystals anyway just to be sure (especially Clear Quartz as it’s such a high absorber)! You can also use crystal grids to amplify their energy and the power of your intention.

For more crystal tips, check out our post on The Best Mercury Retrograde Crystals, or Crystals for Stress and Anxiety!


So those are my 7 favourite ways for crystal cleansing negative energy, I hope you found it useful. If you have any other suggestions, let me know in the comments section below! Or if you have any questions, I’m happy to answer them :)

Be sure to grab our Crystal Guidebook For High Vibes for more information on these mystical beings!