Best Crystals For The New And Full Moon

New Moon Crystals

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Best Crystals For The New And Full Moon

Pairing crystals with Moon rituals have a long history across cultures and are still a highly popular tool to incorporate into your practices today. It is often recommended to cleanse, clear, and charge your crystals under a New or Full Moon to draw in the energy of this potent yet gentle luminary (read more on our post on the 5 best ways to cleanse crystals). When working with crystals in conjunction with your ritual or spell work during the Full and New Moons, it can add a powerful element of magic to them!

Check out our post on tips for how to do New and Full Moon Rituals, and scroll down for my top 5 favourite New and Full Moon crystals:


Crystals For The New Moon

New Moon phases are a dark, quiet time of introspection, turning within to get clear about what intentions and seeds we want to plant for the following Moon cycle. The intentions we set to manifest or spell work we do will generally come to fruition to some extent within the next lunar cycle, with some progress potentially already seen at the following Full Moon, but a full cycle is 6 months when the corresponding Full Moon will occur in the same Sign (this is especially true for Eclipses)!

For example, during Scorpio Season we will have a New Moon in Scorpio (in every Zodiac Season we have a New Moon of the same Sign), and the Full Moon in Scorpio will occur roughly 6 months later during Taurus Season, its polarity (during every Zodiac Season we have a Full Moon in its opposing Sign).

As the New Moon is a time when the Sun and Moon are conjunct in the sky (both in the same Sign), the energy of the Zodiac Sign is amplified. Agriculturally, it was a time when seeds were literally planted. If you would like to pair your intentions with the qualities of the Sign of Season, check out our post on the Characteristics of the Zodiac.

Here are the best crystals to work with the energy of the New Moon:

1. Black Tourmaline

One of the best protective and grounding stones, Black Tourmaline helps shield our aura and absorb any negativity. Pairing it with the darkness of the New Moon adds a layer of rootedness and a sense of safety. You can work with this crystal for helping to plant seeds of intention for more confidence and security. It works on the Root Chakra to help release any lingering fear and step into our boldest selves.

2. Labradorite

This magical iridescent crystal is said to hold flashes of the Aurora Borealis in its being. A powerful stone of transformation, Labradorite works on the Third Eye and Crown Chakra to help us open up to guidance from our higher selves and access our intuition. It is a particularly supportive stone in times of change, things that we often welcome in on the New Moon. The magic of Labradorite makes a perfect pairing to any ritual or spell work done at this time.

3. Lapis Lazuli

This potent stone of truth works on the Throat Chakra to help us express our most authentic selves. Prized since Ancient Egyptian times, this beloved crystal is a wonderful ally to work with the inky night of the New Moon. Lapis Lazuli can help us see clearly our Divine truth and where to grow to for our highest good.

4. Black Obsidian

Another protective stone, Black Obsidian was used in medieval times for crystal ball scrying and mirror gazing. It is said to be particularly beneficial for dealing with difficult emotions in a gentle way. Its energy connects with the Root Chakra for grounding and a sense of confidence.

Smokey Quartz

5. Smokey Quartz

The final crystal to protect our energy during the darkness of the New Moon is Smoky Quartz, a transmuting crystal that is said to have the power to not only absorb negative energy but to also transform it into something positive. It helps clear the aura and acts like a protective shield, helping to see the bright side in every situation. It works on the Root and Sacral Chakra.

See best crystals for the Full Moon below!


Crystals For The Full Moon

With the milky brightness of the Full Moon phase, we have the Sun and Moon in opposite Signs of Zodiac, reflecting the light of the Sun. This is a time of fruition and harvesting of abundance, of expressing our gratitude and reaping what we have sown at the corresponding New Moon. When the night is brightest, it is also a time of illumination, of seeing clearly that which no longer serves us and pulling up the weeds, shedding and releasing what has grown old and stagnant.

Burning rituals work well with the Full Moon energy to cut lingering cords. As do ritual baths and making Moon water! It’s a popular time for cleansing all your spiritual tools but you can also do this at any other time that calls to you. As with most rituals, crystals work best when used in conjunction with mindfulness and your own intention.

The best crystals for the Full Moon are:

1. Moonstone

As the name suggests, Moonstone is one of the best crystals to work with the abundant, gentle energy of the Moon. Moonstone works to harmonise the internal yin and yang, and connect us to our intuition and higher guidance. It is associated with the Third Eye and Crown Chakras.

2. Clear Quartz

The so-called master healer, Clear Quartz crystal is a powerful amplifier, able to increase the energy of the user and the crystals surrounding it. It can be substituted for almost any other crystal in ritual or spell work, and connects to all the Chakras, helping to bring the body into alignment and balancing what is needed.

3. Rose Quartz

The universal stone of love, Rose Quartz connects to the Heart Chakra and helps us remember to have love and compassion for the self and other. It fosters empathy and forgiveness, working to soften the heart space and open up to receiving abundance. It’s a great Full Moon crystal to help us embrace gratitude in our life for what has already come to fruition too.

4. Selenite

This beautiful crystal is named after the Greek Goddess of the Moon, Selene. Selenite is a perfect accompaniment to the Full Moon for its ability to call in calm and tranquility, as well as intuition and perception. It connects with the Crown Chakra and is a powerful yet gentle aura cleanser and protector.

5. Amethyst

The final must-have crystal for Moon practices is the ultimate intuitive stone, Amethyst. This healing crystal works on the Third Eye and Crown Chakra, helping to open us up to our internal guidance and psychic abilities, connecting to our intuition, higher selves, and spirit guides. It assists in dream recall and astral travel, while also being powerfully protective.

For more crystal tips, check out our post on The Best Crystals for Beginners or 7 Crystals for an Energy Boost!

Energy Boosting Crystals

So that’s my list of the best crystals for the New and Full Moon, I hope it’s useful for you! Do you have any other crystals that you would add? Let me know if you have any further questions or suggestions in the comments section below and I’ll be happy to answer them :)

If you want to delve in deeper into the mystical world of crystals, get our Guidebook to Crystal Healing!