The Fool Tarot Guide


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The Fool Tarot Guide

The Fool Tarot card is the initiator of the whole Tarot. Technically the first of the Major Arcana Tarot cards, it actually resides outside the Major Arcana, numbered 0, they are the ones who take us through the whole journey of myth and archetype. Indeed, we are said to go on The Fool’s Journey in the Tarot, and in particular through the other 21 Major Arcana Cards.

In a nutshell, the Fool upright meaning is about new beginnings and pure potential, about leaping into the void and saying YES to opportunity, but, like all the cards, it can intuitively be so much more than that based on the context, cards surrounding it, and the question. Read on for more detail about it:


The Fool Tarot Meaning

As mentioned, The Fool represents the start- they are the start of the journey we embark upon in the Tarot. It is a card of infinite potential, opportunity, and new beginnings. When we receive The Fool, we are being invited to leap in and say YES to what the Universe is offering, to jump safe in the knowledge that we will be caught— fortune favours the brave after all.

It is a call to tread our path bravely and joyously, inconsequentially of the consequences- there’s has no time for doubt!

The Fool upright represents the pure power of the mind when partnered with belief- anything is possible and you create your own reality.

Amanda Yates once said something along the lines that she views this card as the roadrunner that is able to keep running in the air after it has left the cliff (much like in the Rider Waite Colman Smith Tarot deck is about to do), and the coyote who falls only after it looks down in disbelief is the absence of Fool energy (i.e. believe and you can).

Numerology of The Fool Tarot Card

Numerologically, this is card number 0, residing outside the order of the rest of the cards. In this, we can see that they are everything and nothing, cause and effect, the void. Like the moment before an inhale or an idea pops into our mind. The representation of infinite potential.

Astrology of The Fool

Astrologically, this card is related to Uranus, the maverick Planet of change and upheaval. Like Uranus, The Fool only cares about authenticity, no matter the cost. By default, this also relates it to the modern ruling Sign of Uranus, Aquarius. Aquarius is also concerned with authenticity, as well as freedom and independence. They are the visionaries, able to ideate utopian futures.

Historically, The Fool was known as a type of madman figure or one that lived on the fringes of society, a performance sleight-of-hand artist (“Il Matto” in Italian, where the cards originate from). Within this, we can see the potential for genius that is beyond reasoning by others. If you live in your own world, who’s to say it’s not real?


When we receive this card in a reading it is a message to open up to fresh beginnings, to step bravely forth, and to dance to the beat of our own drums. This is not a time for thinking of buts and what ifs, it is a time for frolicking into your new unknown with confidence and lightness! We can see it as an invitation to embrace play and our inner child, feel into youth and naïveté, sometimes they are needed more than ever.

Questions to ask ourselves when we receive The Fool are: Where am I being invited to say yes in my life? How can I open up to potential more? In which areas am I holding myself back out of fear? What can I do to embrace my inner Fool? Where can I take a first step towards something even if I don’t quite feel ready yet (knowing that, as The Fool can remind us, there never is a perfect time)?

Fool Reversed Tarot Card Meaning

Like all reversals, I see The Fool reversed meaning as a blockage to the energy of The Fool, a resistance. It is even more of a nudge to open up and embark upon a new journey! Likewise, it can be a symbol that you are already in the energy of The Fool but perhaps not quite to the level it could be, or in the time frame you would like (if you are eager for a fresh start say). Occasionally, this card reversed can be a message of prudence needed with your pioneering and visionary quests. Be brave, say yes to new adventure.

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The Fool In a love reading

In a love reading, The Fool can represent a new relationship starting or an invitation to harness an existing one with a new direction or zest for life. It can be a message to take a leap of faith! Ask that person out, make that commitment, move in together, say yes. Sometimes it can be a symbol of embodying an innocent, fresh take on a situation.

It is common for it to show up when we feel scared or self-conscious about something, The Fool is here to remind you that, yes, you can. Ultimately it is about new, positive beginnings and opening up to them wholeheartedly.

The Fool In a career reading

In a career reading, The Fool can symbolise a new project or important phase starting. It can be a signal to jump into something feet first or take a “foolish” act of bravery or risk. Of course this, as always, depends on where it has shown up in the spread- if it is in an “avoid” or negative position it would be the exact opposite and, indeed, a potential message to be mindful of being foolish. In general, it is an invitation to take a leap of faith- start that new company, apply for the position, re-brand etc.

Like with all cards, their ultimate meaning will depend upon the position in the spread they have shown up (the specific question they are answering), what the surrounding cards are, what the context of the situation is, who is asking the question, and what the overall question of the reading is. Whether a reversed Fool Tarot card or upright Tarot card, its final message will be up to you to decide intuitively. Trust your first gut instinct, you’ll know which one is right- don’t second guess yourself. For a full list of all Tarot Card Meanings click here.

If you would like me to interpret the cards for you personally instead, book in a reading with me!


So that’s a general overview of The Fool Tarot card meaning, which can be summarised as an invitation to take a leap of joyous faith, say yes to opportunity, and believe in pure potential. As you form your own relationship to the cards, new meanings will also begin to form for you. What other keywords do you have to add? Or if you have any questions, let me know in the comments section below.

If you would like to learn Tarot and self-study the meanings of the cards, get our Beginner’s Intuitive Tarot Guidebook. For a daily free Tarot pull, join me on Instagram!