Archetypal Taurus


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Archetypal Taurus

Archetypal Taurus is grounded, earthy, and pragmatic. It appreciates the tangible, experiencing the world through its felt senses. Deeply in touch with the body, the land, and nature, Taurus has the capacity to appreciate the finer things in life— good food, good drink, good company. It values quality over quantity and knows a wise investment when it sees one. As the money Sign, it values being well resourced.

Characteristics of Taurus

Taurus a Nocturnal, Fixed Earth Sign. Nocturnal Signs (Earth + Water) are more introspective and receptive. Fixed Signs are the four ones that fall in the middle of seasons— they are regular, stable, and habitual, no surprises thank you! Earth Signs are rooted, practical, and realistic— no fluff. As a Fixed Earth Sign, Taurus is the most reliable (or stubborn) of all. This is the speed of nature, the strength of the farmer.

As Astrology is largely the study of the Planets, we can learn a lot about a Sign through which Planets are comfortable and at home in them, and which ones struggle in their domain.

Taurus is ruled by Venus, the lesser benefic. Venus governs connection, taste, style, social niceties and pleasantries, money, and beauty. Its temperament is cold and wet. Mythologically, this is Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love. Thus, the archetype of Taurus is capable of indulging its senses and revelring in luxury. This is the abundance and lusciousness of Mother Nature— whereas Libran Venus is the beauty of an art gallery, Taurus is the meadow.

Venus aptly finds its so-called Joy in the 5th House of Pleasure. This House governs our joys, hobbies, creativity, fun, sex, romance, children, and pastimes.

The Moon exalts in Taurus (with its maximum exaltation at 3º). The Moon represents our body, emotions, needs, and maternal figure, it is fitting it should exalt in Taurus.

Mars finds its detriment in Taurus as it is opposite its domicile, Scorpio. Mars is the Planet of speed and efficiency, it can struggle with the slowness of Taurus.

Continue reading for more details about the Taurus archetype:


The Planets in Taurus

The Zodiac Seasons are governed by where the Sun currently is in the Zodiac (which is a division of the ecliptic— the apparent path of the Sun— into twelve Signs). When it is in the Sign of Taurus, we are collectively in Taurus Season. This usually occurs roughly between the 20th April - 20th May but depends on the day of the Equinox each year (which starts the Astrological cycle and is what the Tropical Zodiac Signs are based on, not the constellations as is commonly thought).

In the Northern Hemisphere (which “Western” Astrology is developed on), Taurus Season is the heart of Spring— nature is in full bloom, before the over-ripeness of Summer. Here we can feel the world brimming with fecundity. Each of the Planets passing through Taurus teaches us the value of Mother Nature herself.

Taurus Season

During Taurus Season we are called to root and ground into our energies, after the initial flurry of Aries Season, now is a time to gather our reserves of strength, to stop and refuel— literally smell the roses.

After the burst of Spring, we can temper ourselves here and fill up our tank, enjoy the moment. It can be useful to check in with any intentions you set at the start of the Astrological Year (or Gregorian calendar year) and see which ones are starting to take root, what needs to be weeded or watered, and what needs to be composted. Next, in Gemini Season, we will begin to pick up the pace again, but for now: come back to centre.

-> If you would like rituals and magick to connect to the energy of this period, get our Taurus Season Workbook!

Sun in Taurus

The Sun in Taurus is realistic, patient, and resolute. Other Planets and aspects notwithstanding, Taurus Suns can prefer the tangible and realistic, over fanciful intangibles— something you can hold, objects over experiences. The Sun in Taurus is both placid and hard working, able to engage in all the pleasures of the body ;)

-> If you’re a Taurus, book in a Year Ahead Reading with me for details about what your Solar Return heralds for you!

Moon in Taurus

The Moon in Taurus requires stability and security for emotional wellbeing, particularly financial. Routine, rituals, and habits can be deeply nourishing, as can spending time in nature and eating hearty, regular meals (and naps). If you were born during the night, the Moon is your main luminary of sect and so an important placement for you! The Moon in Taurus is sensual, practical, and with a need for good quality (and well-priced) items.

Mercury in Taurus

Mercury in Taurus is grounded, practical thinking and logic— no time for poetry or fluff fillers, only tangible words that make sense. Mercury in Taurus can be slow to learn, but once it’s set its mind to something it can be hard to change course! Slow to rouse like the bull, it can also be resolute and headstrong, determined, with an eye for money.

Venus in Taurus

Venus in Taurus is domiciled and so able to call upon her fullest indulgent potential, this is a skill in beauty, business, and relationships. Many famous designers, artists, and creatives (including singers) have Venus in Taurus. Here, Venus has the capacity to embrace all the good quality items she has her heart set on. Embodiment is key, embrace your senses!

Mars in Taurus

Mars in Taurus is tempered, slow in action. It can have a subdued temper and take things in its time, there’s no rushing here! It prefers practical, realistic goals and plans. Mars in Taurus can sometimes struggle to call upon its usual ambition or efficiency here as it is in its detriment, this is slow-and-steady-wins-the-race energy, like a draft horse.

Jupiter in Taurus

Jupiter in Taurus values hard work and pleasure, economy and ecology. As a social Planet, people born within the same year as you will have Jupiter in Taurus, thus look to other placements for more personalised details (such as the House it is in (more on that below), what aspects Jupiter is making or the Sagittarius/Pisces Houses of your Chart).

Saturn in Taurus

Saturn in Jupiter can have a strong hard-work ethic, valuing long-term investments, and solid practicality. As another social Planet, people born within the same 2-3 years as you will have Saturn in Taurus, thus look to other placements for more personalised details (such as the House it is in, what aspects it is making or the Capricorn/Aquarius Houses of your Chart).


Taurus in the Houses

In each of our Natal Charts, Taurus will occupy a House (regardless of whether you have placements in Taurus or not), bringing its rooted groundedness to this area of life for us.

When a Planet enters Taurus, it is transiting this House for us, bringing its energy to this area of life (this is how all horoscopes are written). To learn more about what the Planets have in store for you, get your Zodiac Year Ahead Forecast!

Taurus in the 1st House - Taurus Rising

Taurus Risings can represents the typical Taurean earthy groundedness, practicality, and realism. This is the energy of the farmer— both hard work and rest. Nature understands the importance of fallow periods. This can bring a sturdy vitality, appreciation for good food, drink, and objects (especially investment pieces).

Taurus in the 2nd House - Aries Rising

With Taurus in the 2nd House you may prefer to accumulate wealth and have a more practical or reserved money mindset. Either way, the capacity to both save for security and safety, as well as to indulge and spend, is important! You may value hard work but be equally able to enjoy the good things in life.

Taurus in the 3rd House - Pisces Rising

Taurus in the 3rd House can bring a grounded, practical mindset. You may be perhaps slower to take in new information or communicate it in return, but once something sticks it sticks. This can also be an appreciation of routine and habits in your life or local neighbourhood (such as always going to the same coffee spot).

Taurus in the 4th House - Aquarius Rising

Taurus in the 4th House can bring an appreciation for a regular home life and routine, either the same house (not appreciating frequent moving), or with stable familial relations. You might like to invest in good quality items for your home (but also like to know you are getting a good deal)!

Taurus in the 5th House - Capricorn Rising

Taurus in the 5th House can bring an appreciation for nature as a pastime, such as hiking or camping. You may also be fixed and regular in what you like— you know what you like so why try something different! This can also bring the capacity for generally having a good, indulgent time, especially with food or in the bedroom ;)

Taurus in the 6th House - Sagittarius Rising

Taurus in the 6th House can bring you a hard work ethic, you may literally be like a work horse once you get started, but also the appreciation for a healthy work-life balance. Your health may be sturdy, and regular routines, rituals, and habits can be important, especially for your sense of wellbeing and in your work.

Taurus in the 7th House - Scorpio Rising

With Taurus in the 7th House you may appreciate partners that are grounded, rooted, and practical, those with a sturdy head on their shoulders. Partners that are sensual and indulgent, helping you to be embodied and appreciate the physical realm can be desirable— someone placid, realistic, and pragmatic.

Taurus in the 8th House - Libra Rising

With Taurus in the 8th House you may prefer tangible investments, things that are clear and slow to build, no risk taking here! It might be a slow process to begin investing at all as it inherently comes with risk. You might prefer a partner with solid finances instead or other joint ventures that are practical and make realistic sense.

Taurus in the 9th House - Virgo Rising

Taurus in the 9th House can bring a sense of realism and grounded beliefs, you may prefer the physical rover the metaphysical, or at the very least things you can tangibly quantify! You may have a robust spiritual practice or eschew one altogether, likewise with travelling (as with all placements, it depends on the rest of the nature of your Chart obviously)!

Taurus in the 10th House - Leo Rising

Taurus in the 10th House can bring an appreciation for a fixed career path, one that is built on practical steps. You may be ambitious but also balance this with a healthy work-life balance, not one to work more than you live. Making sound professional investments and appearing competent and rooted can be important, solid steps.

Taurus in the 11th House - Cancer Rising

Taurus in the 11th House may prefer loyal friends, slow to change— you like to know what you get! Grounded, practical people with similar values can be key. Spending time in nature together or with activities involving good food can be fulfilling. Make sure to have a mix of reciprocity, if you are investing in the friendship it needs to worth your while.

Taurus in the 12th House - Gemini Rising

Taurus in the 12th House can either have a practical, realistic inner world and spirituality, or more of physical, tangible connection to self and the subtleties of the world, rather than getting involved with the metaphysical. A good routine for your mental health can be useful but ensure it is not too rigid and becomes the source of your undoing.

Spend time with the Taurus House of your Chart and pay attention during Taurus Season (and the transit of other Planets through Taurus) for what comes up for you!

For example, if you are a Sagittarius Rising, Taurus is your 6th House. If you have Natal Planets here you will already be more familiar with this archetype to a certain extent. During Taurus Season, when the Sun is transiting your 6th House, pay attention to what gets lit up for you, especially in terms of health and workplace.

If Uranus is also transiting Taurus, as in the example below, it can be a good time to experiment with your health and work routines, perhaps getting a pet! With Jupiter here, you may experience a boost in these areas; as it is the ruler of the 1st and 4th House, a sense of self and home may also be tied in.

Natal Chart Biwheel

So that’s a brief overview of archetypal Taurus, I hope it’s insightful for you! Let me know in the comments section below if you have anything else to add or any questions.

For a personalised Astrology reading, book in a 1:1 session with me, I’d be honoured to be your celestial guide. To uncover the secrets of the cosmos yourself, enrol in my Traditional Astrology 101 course!

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