Personalised Bindrune Creation

Personalised Bindrune Creation
Bring a little magic into your life with your very own personalised, custom-tailored Bindrune!
Runes are an ancient Nordic divination method dating back to around the 1st Century AD. They are used in spreads to connect to our intuition for greater clarity, awareness, insight, and decision-making abilities.
Additionally, each Rune symbol is said to hold its own power and were more frequently used in sigils, talismans, and amulets, up to the present day.
By creating a unique Bindrune out of several Rune symbols, we can craft a special symbol specifically for you to use in your ritual, spell, ancestral, divinatory, or any other spiritual work you feel called to. It can be inscribed onto candles, meditated with, written onto paper and kept on your altar, mirror (including sealing practices), held in your wallet or abundance pouches, and any other number of practices. Some ideas are outlined in your Bindrune report for you to get started.
Simply fill in the form with your intentions (and relevant background context), if any, below. Once you have processed your order, I will select the appropriate Runes I feel are most suited for your situation intuitively (or you can choose them yourself in the booking form), as well as selecting ones that are divinely guided, and digitally hand-draw a combined Bindrune for you. This will then be emailed to you in a beautiful PDF document containing a description of your individual Runes and their keywords, as well as a photo of the physical Runes, and a combined meaning of your new Bindrune. Generally 2-3 individual Runes suffice for a Bindrune but up to 6 may be used. Each final Bindrune is unique and individual, created especially for you.
The whole process is done ceremonially in ritual, during a chosen Planetary Day and Planetary Hour for Astrological alignment, and then consecrated with reverence before being sent to you.
*Please note, this is not an actual Rune reading!
Bindrunes are for adults over the age of 18 or with parental consent for minors. Runes cannot predict the future, if you need legal or medical advice please speak to the appropriate practitioners. If you have any questions beforehand, send me an email at!
After clicking the ‘Book My Reading’ button below you will be directed to a form to fill in your intention as well as any background context you may want to include. (If you don’t have a specific intention/mantra/affirmation you can just leave this section blank). Your booking will be added to the cart, when you are done shopping you can click on the cart icon to checkout and pay for your Bindrune.
After placing your order, you will be emailed a your PDF document that you can return back to as many times as you like, this will contain your personalised Bindrune image. Each reading is a sacred practice for me, I approach it with great reverence and ritual. Due to the amount of time offered to each one and the current level of demand, you will receive your Bindrune in 30-40 BUSINESS DAYS. I trust that it will find its way to you exactly when the time is right :)
*Due to the nature of this soul service, all sales are final*
If you would like to book more than one Bindrune with me, I have added additional options with discounts of 5%, 10% and 20% below for 3, 6, and 12 Bindrunes respectively. Simply choose the amount of Bindrunes you would like and then email me whenever you have a new intention you want a Bindrune for, or if you prefer we can set up recurring creations such as automatically at the start of each week/month etc, or gift some to loved ones.
1 tree planted for every Bindrune!
Here’s an example of some of the content you will receive (images used with permission).