Annual Profection Reading

Annual Profection Reading

from US$165.00

Discover what the Planets have in store for your unique cosmic blueprint and what the theme and focus for your Solar year may be, including areas of challenge or difficulty as well as potential for growth and opportunities!

If you would like to go on a journey of exploration and uncover your mini personal roadmap to the cosmos for the next 12 months, this Annual Profection reading is for you!

Annual Profections are an ancient timing technique used to gauge which area of your Natal Chart may be in focus for the year, including the Zodiacal and Planetary influences. Through it, we can ascertain what the look and feel may be like, as well as peak periods of activation and which general part of life can be highlighted ✨

This is a completely unique, handcrafted report written by me personally, channelled through my working knowledge of traditional Astrology and intuitive guidance and clarification. You will receive a beautiful 10-page PDF document containing roughly 3000 words all about you and your celestial experience that you can keep coming back to throughout the year!

This reading includes:

  1. An introduction to Annual Profections + components

  2. General overview of your Profected year

  3. Your Profected House for the year (area of life in focus)

  4. The Zodiacal Sign ruler of the year (the Sign the House is in, adding flavour)

  5. Your Planetary ruler (timelord) of the Sign for the year (bringing in detail)

  6. Important Astrological transits to and from the timelord (timing periods throughout the year)

  7. A summary of your Annual Profection reading

It’s useful guidance and illumination going forward in life until your next birthday (this is a section of the complete Year Ahead Reading option). To access your own insight, fill in the form below with your name, date of birth, and EXACT birth time (please check your birth certificate), and the location of where you were born (as well as any background context/area of focus you’d like to include).

Click here to read hundreds of love notes from past happy clients :)

All readings are strictly confidential and created using Traditional Astrology with a modern lens and Whole Signs House System. If you have any questions beforehand, send me an email at!


After clicking the ‘Book My Reading’ button below you will be directed to a form to fill in your details as well as anything else you may want to include. It will be added to cart and then you can proceed to the checkout to pay and complete your order.

Please bear in mind that this is simply a forecast, just like the weather it can change based on your own personal agency and free will.

Each reading is a sacred practice for me, I approach it with great reverence and ritual, and take several hours to craft each one. Due to the current level of high demand, you will be emailed your reading in 20-30 BUSINESS DAYS (with the option to upgrade to fast track), not including weekends or holidays. I trust that it will find its way to you exactly when the time is right :)

*Due to the nature of this soul service, all sales are final*

1 tree planted for every reading!

When do you want to receive your reading?:

Here’s an example of some of the content you will receive (images used with permission).

The Year Ahead + Natal Chart Reading Bundle (Save 10%)! two-wander-astro-bundle.jpg

The Year Ahead + Natal Chart Reading Bundle (Save 10%)!

from US$405.00