Tarot: The Tower

The Tower card can represent sudden change and upheaval, the ground falling away from underneath us; followed by The Star- there is an omen that this is ultimately for the best. It may feel contractive as we are going through it, but ultimately it can allow us to build something stronger. Only buildings that do not sway to earthquakes and hurricanes crumble after all.

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Saturn (Return) in Pisces

Saturn entering Pisces brings us an existential oxymoron, a blending of boundaries and reality. Gentle rigidity, hard softness. The Planet of structure and walls meets the Sign of dissolution and oneness. In the misty depths of the elusive ocean, how do we separate a drop? How do we define what's real in a fever dream? Saturn in Pisces is an interesting melting pot, read on for more:

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Gifts For The Witches In Your Life

With the holidays right around the corner, here’s a handy gift guide for all your witchy loved ones! Whether they’re a green witch, kitchen witch, eclectic witch, sea witch, hedge witch, folk witch, baby witch, Wiccan and everything in between! Read on for the best magical gifts for the witches in your life:

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Justice Tarot Card Meaning

The Justice card represents things coming into balance and sorting themselves out, of being rectified and re-ordered, of things harmonising. It can more literally represent legal proceedings as well as simply people receiving what they deserve, or their just desserts! For better or worse, it is a rectification of things going to plan and following the natural order. Read on for more:

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Wheel Of Fortune Tarot Meaning

Major Arcana card number ten of the Tarot is the Wheel of Fortune, following on from The Hermit, and preceding Justice. As you might imagine, this is a card about change, the wheel keeps on turning! It represents the notion that what goes up must come down and vice versa ad infinitum. Generally, this is considered a positive card to receive although it may not exclusively be the case.

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