Strength Tarot Card Meaning

Major Arcana Tarot Card number eight is the Strength card, succeeding The Chariot, and preceding The Hermit. As the name suggests, this card is about strength, but not just any kind of strength. This is not brute force or will, this is the strength in vulnerability, in opening up, in risking getting hurt, and taking our inner wildness. This Tarot card represents true strength.

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How To Read A Horary Astrology Chart

Horary Astrology is one of the four main branches of Astrology (along with Mundane, Electional, and Natal Astrology), and is the more divinatory of the lot. It consists of casting a Chart for the moment a question is asked and understood by the Astrologer, and interpreting it for an answer. It is a very old form of Astrology and can be used by experienced Astrologers for uncanny results and detail! Generally it seems that answering a question using a Horary Chart works using the premise of the Hermetic maxim: as above so below.

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How To Find Your Tarot Birth Card

When working with the Tarot and building your relationship with the archetypes, a really nice way to connect deeper and use as an anchor point for further introspection is calculating your Tarot birth card! This is done in a similar way to figuring out your numerological life path number, but in a way that brings about two Major Arcana cards for you to use as guidance.

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What Is Electional Astrology?

Electional Astrology is the process of “electing” an auspicious Astrology Chart based on your intentions for the best time to do something for the most favourable outcome. It can become quite complex but there are a few basic simple steps we can take to elect auspicious moments to begin everything from a haircut and first date, to getting married and launching a business. Read on for how:

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What Is My Sun Sign

Your Sun Sign, AKA your star sign, is likely the first piece of Astrological knowledge you come by. Most people, whether or not they are into Astrology, generally know if they are a so-called Gemini, Leo, or Scorpio. These are easy to calculate because the Zodiac Sign the Sun is in changes regularly and consistently roughly every 30 days, returning at more or less the same time every year.

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The Emperor Tarot Card

In the fourth Major Arcana Tarot Card, we encounter The Emperor, counterpart to The Empress. Here we meet our self sovereignty and sense of agency, our independence and ability to lead. It is a strong card of taking ownership of ones life and situation, handling the reigns with confidence.

Read on to find out more meanings of The Emperor and what it can signify if it shows up for you as a reversal, and in a general, career, or love reading:

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Solfeggio Frequencies And Healing Sounds

Music and sound have been an important part of human culture since time immemorial, universally spanning across cultures in a significant role in our history until present. Now, there are even more varieties and interesting studies documenting the powers of healing sounds and more specialised techniques such as binaural beats, solfeggio frequencies, the Schumann Resonance, and more!

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Lunar Haircut Calendar: Cutting Your Hair By The Moon

Farmers have relied upon the Moon's phases for guidance on when to plant crops for optimal growth, dating as far back as the 1800s, at least, from when the Farmer’s Almanac was first published, but these are practices that have been handed down through the ages across cultures. Likewise, it is common in many traditions to cut hair guided by the phases of the Moon.

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The Meaning Of Your Solar Return Chart

A Solar Return chart is an astrological forecasting technique used for assessing the potential themes and general feel of your next solar year, i.e. birthday year (from one birthday to the next). They are usually cast on your birthday, solar returns are the moment the Sun returns to its natal degree, which can actually be the day before or after your birthdate), but they can also be done retrospectively as well once you are already part-way into your next birthday year if you would like insight into the unfolding of the rest of the year.

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