Tarotscope: How Astrology And Tarot Are Linked

Two Wander - Tarotscope: How Astrology And The Tarot Are Linked

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Tarotscopes: How Astrology And Tarot Are Linked

Tarotscopes are the practice of reading a person’s “horoscope”, through the lens of Tarot. This can be done intuitively, like a normal Tarot reading and pulling cards for a specific Zodiac Sign and then interpreting them, or by first look at the Astrology of a time period to formulate a horoscope for a Zodiac Sign (with current planetary alignments etc.) and then looking at what the corresponding Tarot cards would be for added musing points.

Both Astrology and Tarot are rich tools for deep introspection, intuition channeling, and forecasting potential, and by combining the knowledge of both we can create a way of adding an extra layer of insight. Read on below to find out which are the Zodiacal and Planetary links with Tarot cards:

Two Wander - How Tarot And Astrology Are Linked

How Astrology And Tarot Are Related

It is important to note that it is namely Astrology that can be worked into the Tarot more robustly, rather than Tarot into Astrology (which stands more alone as a system but you can use the images of the Tarot, similar to the decans or even Sabian symbols, to act as musing points in your Astrological interpretations).

Each Zodiac Sign and Planet is assigned to a Major Arcana card, and each number from 2-10 of the Minor Arcana (the pip cards) is associated with a Zodiac Sign through the 3 “qualities/modes” of astrology- Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable- and the four elements- Fire, Earth, Air, Water. The Aces and Court Cards of the Tarot are also represented by the Elements and modes in a slightly different way I will detail below.

To add another layer, the Thoth Tarot specifically assigns a Planetary placement in a Zodiac Sign for each pip card. For example, the Seven of Swords is not just an Aquarius card (as Fixed Air) it is specifically a Moon in Aquarius card, also known as the third decan. The order of specific Planetary placements in a Zodiac Sign is based on the Chaldean Order of slowest to fastest: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon.

The first card of the Minor Arcana, after the Ace, is the Two of Wands. As a 2, it is linked with a Cardinal Sign (Aries, Cancer, Cancer, Capricorn), and as a Fire Sign it is linked to Aries, Leo or Sagittarius; thus the Two of Wands is a card of Aries. Mars is the ruler of Aries and so we begin with the Two of Wands as Mars in Aries.

The Three of Wands is a Sun in Aries card, the Four of Wands is a Venus in Aries card. The Five of Wands is a Saturn in Leo card because it is Fixed (a five) Fire (Wand/Leo), and Saturn because the order of the Planets here goes through Zodiacally (thus goes from Aries cards to Taurus cards), this is easier understand in the image below.

The Elements in Tarot

First of all, each suit of the tarot cards represents a different element, which corresponds to the Elements of the Zodiac (known as triplicities):

  • Wands are associated with the element Fire, the Fire signs of the zodiac are: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius

  • Cups are associated with the Water element, the Water signs of the zodiac are: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces

  • Swords are representative of the Air element, the Air signs of the zodiac are: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius

  • Pentacles are linked with the Earth element. The Earth signs of the zodiac are: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn

The Cups/Water represent our emotions, dreams, desires, needs, and intuition. The Pentacles/Earth relates to our worldly possessions and values, growth, reliability, strength. The Swords/Air represents our thoughts, communication, ideas, and logic. The Wands/Fire is associated with will, action, ambition, spirit, creativity, energy.

The Major Arcana Astrology

Then, each Zodiac Sign is assigned to a Major Arcana card, they are as follows:

  • Aries = The Emperor

  • Taurus = The Hierophant

  • Gemini = The Lovers

  • Cancer = The Chariot

  • Leo = Strength (courage)

  • Virgo = The Hermit

  • Libra = Justice

  • Scorpio = Death card

  • Sagittarius = Temperance

  • Capricorn = The Devil card

  • Aquarius = The Star

  • Pisces = The Moon

The remaining 10 Major Arcana cards in a Tarot deck are ruled by one of the Planets, (which in turn also rules a Zodiac Sign, more on this below).

You can learn more about the what each of the Zodiac Signs symbolises in our Beginner’s Guide to Astrology. Once you know a bit more about Astrology, and Tarot, you can start to see the corresponding links between them and how the characteristics of each strengthens and adds depth to the other.

The Minor Arcana Astrology

Each of the Minor Arcana is divided up by their corresponding numbers, from 2-10, to represent the modes/qualities of the zodiac signs. The mode/quality in Astrology relates to whether a Zodiac Sign falls at the beginning, middle, or end of a season.

Cardinal Signs come first and are considered as leaders and initiators. Then Fixed Signs fall in the middle of a season and are considered to be reliable and stable, dedicated and perseverant. Falling at the end, Mutable Signs are seen as adaptable, versatile, and ushers of change.

  • Cards 2, 3, 4 = Cardinal Signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn)

  • Cards 5, 6, 7 = Fixed Signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius).

  • Card 8, 9, 10 = Mutable Signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces)

Combining the modes and elements we can get three cards associated with each Zodiac Sign. Cardinal Fire, Aries, is thus assigned to the Two, Three, and Four of Wands. Mutable Pisces is assigned to the Eight, Nine, and Ten of Cups, and so on.

The Aces, number 1, represent the Elements in their purest form, so the Ace of Wands is the Fire Zodiac Signs, the Ace of Cups represents the Water Element Zodiac Signs, the Ace of Swords is the Air Element Zodiac Signs, and the Ace of Pentacles represents the Earth Element zodiac signs.

With the Court Cards, the Pages are associated with the Earth Element, the Knights are linked with Air, the Queens represent the Water Element, and the Kings are associated with Fire. So the Queen of Cups is a double Water Element meaning she represents this Element most strongly. The Knight of Swords is Aquarius, Fixed Air.

Putting it all together, if we wanted to pull out all the Tarot cards associated with Sagittarius, a Mutable Fire Sign ruled by Jupiter, this would be: Temperance, the Wheel of Fortune, the Ace of Wands, the 8/9/10 of Wands, and the King of Wands.

You can see more about what Astrology specifically means for you in our post on How To Interpret Your Birth Chart.


The Planets

Finally, each of the Planets is also associated with a specific tarot card:

  • SUN (ruler of Leo) = The Sun Tarot card

  • MOON (ruler of Cancer) = The High Priestess

  • MERCURY (ruler of Gemini and Virgo) = The Magician

  • VENUS (ruler of Taurus and Libra) = The Empress

  • MARS (ruler of Aries and Scorpio) = The Tower

  • JUPITER (ruler of Sagittarius and Pisces) = Wheel of Fortune

  • SATURN (ruler of Capricorn and Aquarius) = The World

  • URANUS = The Fool

  • NEPTUNE = The Suspended One

  • PLUTO = Judgement

Adding in the characteristics of each Planet, as well as their ruling Zodiac Sign, we can combine it with the knowledge of what the Tarot cards signify for greater depth of insight when either reading Tarot for ourselves or others.

*If you’d like to go in deeper to the world of Astrology, expand your cosmic awareness with our book in a 1:1 reading with me!

This infographic below by Labyrinthos summarises it all succinctly, including what the decans are (the breakdown of each Zodiac Sign into 3 parts each for an extra Planetary sub-ruler):

Image via Labyrithos

So that’s an overview of Tarotscopes and how Astrology and Tarot are linked. I hope it’s given you some valuable insight- if you have any questions, comments, or anything else to add please don’t hesitate to let me know in the comments section below and I’ll gladly get back to you!

If you’re interested in learning more about how I integrate tarot cards into my life, check out my post on How I Use Tarot For Stress Management.

Or, if you’d like to connect to your own Divine wisdom directly, book a personalised Tarot Reading with me now and let’s channel your intuition together for some answers!

To learn more about the world of Tarot, enrol in my Intuitive Tarot Course!